Peer Review Process

Following the receipt of any article, the subject and the general format of the article as well as the conflict of interest and the copyright forms are controlled by the managing editor of the journal. If the topic of the article is in line with the topics considered for the publication and the format of the article includes text, figures, tables and references according to the authors' guide, the article will be sent to the editor-in-chief of the journal to determine the referees. Based on the topic of the article, the editor-in-chief selects about 3 to 5 referees with expertise related to the topic of the article from the journal referee database, and the article is sent to the selected referees. If any of the selected referees withdraws at this stage, a new referee will be selected immediately. If no response is received from the referee, a reminder email will be sent to him/her after 15 days. After receiving at least 3 referee results and reviewing the opinions of the referees, the editor-in-chief selects one of the items "Send the article to the author for form and content corrections and resubmit", "Send the article to the author for major revision", or "Send the article to the author for minor revision", and sends all corrections of the referees of the article to the corresponding author. The corresponding author is obliged to revise the article within 1-2 months and resubmit the revised article to the journal along with a complete and accurate answer to all the referees' corrections. In the next step, the editor-in-chief, while reviewing the corrections, sends the revised article and the answers to the questions to one of the previous referees as a "comparative referee" (who, of course, has already expressed his willingness) for the final opinion of the referees to accept the revised article. Of course, this step may be done more than once, or the editor-in-chief may directly request some issues from the corresponding author. If the corrections made are deemed sufficient by the peer reviewer and the editor-in-chief, the "initial scientific acceptance" of the article will be announced to the corresponding author through an official letter. Then, the article is paged by the executive director of the journal and converted into the format of the journal. Then, the article will be sent to Persian and English editors to edit the entire text. Finally, the final file of the article is prepared and while announcing the final acceptance of the article to the corresponding author, the final file is uploaded to the journal website.

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