Inviscid Compressible Flow in Meridional Plane of an Axial Flow Compressor



In this paper it is attempted to investigate the behavior of an inviscid flow in the meridional plane of an axial flow compressor. For this purpose the 3-D unsteady Euler equations in cylindrical coordinate are averaged in tangential direction. Therefore, the equations are reduced to a 2-D system. By averaging the tangential component of momentum equation, a blade force will result. Axial and radial components of the calculated blade force are added to the right hand side of the axial and radial momentum equation. By application of a 4th order Runge-Kutta time marching technique to the resulting 2-D Euler equations, the flow field is solved. Some interesting results are obtained which show the program capability in solving flow in the meridional plane of a compressor at the shortest possible time.

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