Synthesis of Isobutane Dehydrogenation Catalyst Based on Nanopore Zeolite Y and its Performance Compared with Industrial Catalyst


1 Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology

2 Department of Chemistry, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch

3 Chemical Processes Research Department, Engineering Research Center, University of Isfahan


DP803, an industrial catalyst used in petrochemical industry for dehydrogenation of isobutane to isobutene, was characterized in the current study. The results showed that zeolite Y is a high performance catalyst. This catalyst was then synthesized using a platinum source (hexachloro platinic acid) and two different tin sources (tributyl tin chloride and SnCl2.2H2O) all on zeolites Y, and then the synthesized catalysts were used in the dehydrogenation of isobutane in a reactor designed for dehydrogenation reaction. XRF, XRD, TG/DTG, FT-IR, and SEM techniques were used for the characterization and determination of the composition of catalysts. The wet analysis of samples under different reaction conditions were investigated as well.


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