Influence of Gr and MoS2 Particles on High Temperature Tribological Properties of Ni-SiC Composite Coating



Ni–SiC composite coatings are successfully employed as a protective coating in the inner walls of engine cylinders. In this study, Ni-SiC, Ni-SiC-MoS2 and Ni-SiC-Gr composite coatings were prepared from a sulfamate bath. Both mechanical and ultrasonic stirring were used simultaneously during the process. Taking into account the working temperature of engine cylinders, the wear behavior of coatings was evaluated at 25 to 300 ºC and the high temperature tribological properties of the coatings were investigated. Based on the results obtained from the wear tests, all three coatings showed almost good friction coefficient values at 25 and 100 ºC, which were close to each other. By increasing the temperature to 200-300 °C, the friction coefficient and weight loss values strongly increased. However, addition of solid lubricants caused the values to decrease. The Ni-SiC-Gr coating at all temperatures showed a good and stable behavior.


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