Investigating the Joining of Ni3Al Intermetallic Compound, using Transient Liquid Phase (TLP) Method with Cu Interlayer


Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.


In this study, joining of Ni3Al intermetallic compounds using the transient liquid phase (TLP) process with Cu interlayer was investigated. The binding process was carried out in a vacuum furnace at a temperature of 1050 °C for different times of 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. The effect of time variation on microstructure and mechanical properties of the joint zone was investigated. The EDS analysis results of the joints proved formation of the athermally solidified zone (ASZ), isothermally solidified zone (ISZ) and diffusion affected zone (DAZ) at different times. After 90 minutes, brittle eutectic phases still exist in the joint line. However, by increasing the process time to 120 minutes, a copper-rich solid solution was formed in the joint line. Maximum hardness was attained in DAZ region and due to formation of more brittle compounds. By increasing the process time to 90 min, the hardness in the joint center-line increased. After 120 min, the hardness in the joint center-line decreased to about 224 HV. Maximum shear strength was achieved to be about 60 MPa at a process time of 30 minutes and due to formation of Ni-rich matrix at the joint. With increasing time to 90 min, the shear strength decreased to about 34 MPa. After 120 minutes and due to formation of copper-rich solid solution as well as disappearance of eutectic compounds, shear strength again increased to about 44 MPa. Investigation of fracture surfaces showed that until 90 minutes, fracture mode was mainly brittle whereas by increasing time to 120 minutes, a more ductile fracture occurred.


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