Synthesis of the Silicon Inverted Nano- Pyramids and Study of Their Self- Cleaning Behavior


RF MEMS and Bio-Nano Electronics (MBNE) Lab, Department of Electrical Eng., Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.


In this paper, synthesis of inverted nano-pyramids on a single crystal silicon surface through a simple and cost-effective wet chemical method is surveyed. These structures were synthesized by MACE process using Cu as the assisted metal in the solution of copper nitrate, hydrogen peroxide and hydrofluoric acid for different etching times. FE-SEM images of the samples show that time is an important factor in the formation of silicon inverted nano-pyramids and by extending synthesis time the structures gradually fade. After synthesis, some samples were etched in KOH 2% and IPA 6% for one minute which resulted in formation of nano-pyramids besides inverted nano-pyramids on the silicon surface. Formation of these combinational structures affected the self-cleaning behavior of the silicon surface. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was utilized for studying the crystalline characteristics of the synthesized structures. Moreover, the self-cleaning behavior of them was studied using the contact angle goniometer. The results showed that the inverted nano-pyramids improve the hydrophilic behavior of the silicon surface while post-synthesized etching improves the hydrophobic behavior of the surface. These textures improve the performance of solar cells due to their self-cleaning and light adsorption properties


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