The Role of Annealing on Properties of Silicon Films Deposited By EB-PVD


Advanced Materials & Renewable Energies Department, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


The structural and optical properties of polycrystalline silicon films obtained on a silicon wafer by electron beam physical vapor deposition (EBPVD), were studied in this paper. These films were initially amorphous and changed to a crystalline solid phase during annealing. Annealing was performed in an inert gas atmosphere tube furnace at different temperatures. Micro-structure of the films was analyzed to know the relationship between the crystalline / amorphous composition, grain size and characteristics of the films. The results showed a decrease in roughness with increasing annealing temperature and structural density. Moreover, results of Micro-Raman spectrum showed formation and increase of silicon nanocrystals in the annealed condition when the thickness of the coating increased due to structural defects.


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