The Effect of Si and B Addition on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of AlCoCrMnNi High Entropy Alloys


Department of Materials Engineering, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology (MUT), P.O.Box 83145/15, Shahin-Shahr, Isfahan, Iran.


In this research, effect of B and Si addition on the structural and magnetic properties of AlCoCrMnNi high-entropy alloys was investigated. The structural and magnetic properties of AlCoCrMnNiX(X= B, Si) alloys were studied by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). First, the constituent components of the AlCoCrMnNiX (X=B, Si) alloys were mixed for 10 hours. XRD analysis revealed that  the solid solution was not formed by mixing. The alloys were then annealed at 900 ˚C for 10 hours. XRD results revealed formation of a solid solution with BCC structure in AlCoCrMnNi and AlCoCrMnNiB alloys. For AlCoCrMnNiSi and AlCoCrMnNiSiB alloys, Ni2Si and Cr2Si3 intermetallics were formed in addition to the solid solution with BCC structure. VSM results suggested that while forming the solid solution for AlCoCrMnNi alloy, soft magnetic properties improved so that magnetic saturation and coercivity increased from 40.22 to 64.46 emu/g, and from 180.143 to 14.09 Oe, respectively.


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