Flow behavior of commercial grade Ti-6Al-4V with lamellar structure in isotherm forging and kinetic analysis of process


1 Amirkabir University of Technology, Department of Metallurgical Engineering

2 Iran University of Science and Technology, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering


In this paper, plastic flow behavior and micro structural evolution of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in temperature range of 750-1050 °C and strain rate range of 0.001-0.1 (S-1) in isotherm compression condition were investigated. The purpose was to estimate activation energy of globularization of lamellar structure and analyze this process kinetically. True Stress-strain curves obtained at the temperatures below 950 °C indicate a limited amount of flow softening imputed to a dynamic recrystallization occuring at about 950 ˚C. In contrast, at higher temperatures, the flow stress increases linearly with plastic strain until at temperatures about 1015°C where flow stress becomes nearly independent of the temperature. By analyzing flow stress data via Zener-Hol-lomon and sellars equation, Q activation energy of dynamic recrystallization was estimated and structural equation of plastic flow was obtained, whixh were comparable to results raeched by other investigators.


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