Investigation the antibacterial behavior of thin film metallic glass alloy Zr30Cu20Al10Ag10Cr10Si10Br10 applied on 316 Stainless Steel Substrate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Yazd University


316 stainless steels are among the alloys commonly used for surgical instruments. These steels, when they come in contact with bacteria, are highly contaminated. By applying coatings with high antibacterial properties, this problem can be overcome to a large extent. One of these coatings is the use of Zr-based metallic glass coatings. Therefore, in this research, first an alloy with chemical composition Zr30Cu20Al10Ag10Cr10Si10Br10 was designed and produced. Next, by applying a thin layer of the mentioned alloy, with an amorphous structure, on the 316 stainless steel substrate, the behavior of this coating against two common hospital bacteria was studied. At first, after weighing and mixing the selected elements with the necessary stoichiometric ratio, a target with the mentioned chemical composition was produced by a SPS devive. By using this target in the Magnetron coating system, thin layers of the mentioned alloy with different thicknesses were created on the 316 steel substrate. The conducted tests showed that the production coatings with a glass structure show high antibacterial properties against two bacteria, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Also, based on the investigations, the application of the mentioned coating, due to the reduction of approximately 50% of the roughness of the sublayer, can play an important role in the adhesion of all kinds of platelets, and human and animal cancer cells to surgical instruments produced using 316 stainless steels.


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